Not Another Review Blog!: The Purge

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Purge

Sucks. No need to sugar-coat it. Everything from the stupidity to the lack of conclusion sucked. This review is going to be chalk full of spoilers, FULL of spoilers.

1. Good guys always win
2. Stereotypes galore!
3. lack of conclusion
4. Too fast
5. Good points

1. Cops and Robbers

Good guys always win, you know that, I know that, we all know that. But just about everyone gets out without a single scratch, and even the homeless guy had minimal wounds. And the good guys, who were going to toss the nameless homeless man onto the streets to be killed like cattle to save their own asses, changed their tune in about 20 seconds, and grew a conscious. And instead think they can fight off an entire crime syndicate.Of course, they succeed. They kill off many of the people without sustaining a single cut.

The enemies were also reckless, careless, and for a crime syndicate, didn't know how to use weapons. Piggy-back rides, skipping, and smashing their way through the house is not the best way to make sure you kill them before they kill you. And for a crime syndicate who had reinforcements, it was rather small, 15 people at max. And lets not forget that everyone but the crime syndicate knows how to aim perfectly with a gun, including the daughter.

Also, saying that humans are an aggressive race, and allowing the purge to release pent up aggression and crime rates will drop significantly and the economy will become better, is stupid. Crime won't stop just because you allow everyone a free pass one day a year. And the only reason the economy would get better, is because you're killing off everyone without money.

2. Stereotypes

Now what do I mean? Well, lets start off with the Typical American Family. Stay at home mom, successful working father, a smart son who tinkers with technology, and an emotional rebellious daughter. Husband, wife, son, daughter, father is the breadwinner. Cliche'. Oh right, also, family drama, even more cliche'.

You also have the jealous neighbors, the skeptical child, and to make stereotype 10 times worse, the rich white families son providing sanctuary to the homeless poor black guy, who is running away from the white-dominant "purge" crime syndicate. Just listing that as a fact, make of it what you will.

3. There was an ending?

The neighbors come in to kill them, the husbands already dead from a knife-wound inflicted by the main bad guy who was killed off far too easily. The homeless guy who still has no name saves them. they keep the remaining neighbors alive and then kicks them out of their home, and the nameless homeless man just walks away without another word.

What was the conclusion? What changed? The movie revolved around the morality of the Purge, and nothing changed about it by the end of the movie. What happened after the fact? Did any of them die the next year? Was the homeless guy OK? Did he keep in touch with the family he didn't know, that was going to toss him out to the dogs, and that he risked his life to save? Does the boy blame himself for his fathers death? What the fuck? Make an ending that isn't half-assed!
4. Slow down!

This is one of those movies where everything kinda just... happened. No explanation, nothing. All crime is legal, including murder. And they made an effort to include murder in that disclaimer. certain weapons are restricted (How? Are the police going to come and arrest you if your gun is unauthorized for murdering people?). And you are NOT allowed to kill certain government personnel (ok, this sounds realistic). If it slowed down a bit, and not sucked as much, it would have been a much better movie.

5. What about the good?

The movie did have some good parts to it. The plot was great. The story about a society where the government condones crime for a 12 hour period in order to reduce crime and strengthen the economy is a great story! And someone who actually has skill with writing stories like this should write a good storyline to go with it.

All in all, I'd give this movie a 2 out of 10. It was pretty bad.

What are your opinions? Write them in the comments below!

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