Not Another Review Blog!: Splenda Review

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Splenda Review

Now I usually don't do a lot of reviews on food, as I am not that good at food reviews. I usually just stick to videogames, TV shows, and books (Although it is not as if I never reviewed edible items before). But today I am going to go a little out of my way, because I have started to eliminate sugar in my diet and replacing it with this stuff.

First of all, what is Splenda? Splenda is made from about 5% Sucralose and 95% Maltodextrin and Dextrose. Meaning it has a whopping 3.35 calories a packet. I am not going to go into that hellhole of conspiracy idiocy on whether or not artificial sweeteners are good or bad for you. I don't conform to the fear-mongering that anything not natural is automatically bad for you. But I'll leave to politics to my other blog.

Splenda tastes a lot like sugar. Not exactly, but very similar. As I was trying to decide which product to use as a calorie free sweetener, I also tried Sweet n Low and Stevia. Both tastes... kinda bad. But Splenda was the only one that didn't taste bad, and actually tasted decently good. It did not leave that bitter aftertaste in my mouth and actually sweetened my tea and coffee instead of making it taste like crap.

Now don't get me wrong, Splenda is not perfect. I am still getting used the to taste of it in coffee, as it makes my coffee taste awkwardly not sweet the same way it makes my tea taste good. Not that it tastes bad, but it's not sugar. But as a sugar replacement, it tastes fairly good.

I still need to try Equal, as I heard that is good too, but I will save that for later. Maybe edit this post when I do.

1 comment:

  1. this is something i have never ever read.very detailed analysis.
    ld hardas
