Not Another Review Blog!: Princess Mononoke Review

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Princess Mononoke Review

Best environmental movie I have seen yet! It starts off with this prince who fights off a demon but becomes cursed, the curse makes him exiled from his village so he goes to try to break the curse and find out why the demon appeared. He makes it to this iron smith town, and later finds out that this town has been driving the gods mad with it's destruction of the forests and mining of the mountains.

Learning this he tries to restore peace between men and nature, and teams up with a wolf-girl who hates all humans. All the animals are becoming enraged and strive to kill off the human race to return their forests to normal. The forest god of life and death plays a big role because later on he is beheaded, and in a blind rage to find it's head it destroys the forests, but rebuilds it once it's head returns.

There was not much I did not like about this movie. I watched it once beforehand, but was too young to really critique it then. one of my favorite parts is when he took his shirt off at the furnace to help work it. He is HOT! Another part about this movie I liked is the fact that women are in power and are treated with more respect, but that's also what I didn't like about it. They have too much power, and now treat the men like they are weak pitiful good-for-nothings. The main leader says that men "cannot be trusted," which brings a whole new level of sexism in this movie.

But I like the theme I got from this movie. That we should not destroy nature or one day it will come back to haunt us. The love story between the more neutral main character, and the extremist wolf girl I liked as well.

I would give this movie a 8.5 out of 10, I recommend it for all people. But be warned, there is a decaying boar carcass in here and the demons are covered and weird worm-like things.


  1. Great review! I agree with you for the most part. Typically, environmentalist movies are so overly focused on the message that the story suffers, but Princess Mononoke manages to balance it well and actually turns out to be one of my favorite movies.
    By the way, where is your follow button?

    If you are interested, here is a link to my review.


    1. Thanks a ton ^^ and your review is great as well! I agree, the combination between the message and the story should be well balances, and they do it well.

      My follow button should be on the top right-hand side of the page. You can follow my post via subscription, or via e-mail

    2. Sorry, I suppose I missed it last time. I am following now!


    3. It's fine ^_^ and thanks a ton for following!
