Not Another Review Blog!: The Silent Protagonist

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Silent Protagonist

This has got to be one of the most annoying, yet strangely enticing, aspects of many videogames. It is also highly common as well, with notible mute protagonists such as:

  • Link - Every Zelda Ever
  • Ryu - All Breath of Fire games
  • Chell - Portal
  • Adol - Ys (He talks through silence)
  • Chrono - Chrono Trigger
  • Your main character in Pokemon
  • The main character of Dark Cloud
  • The main protagonist of Cave Story
  • Amaterasu from Okami
  • Flint - Alundra 2

But is this Silent Protagonist simply lazy writing? Or Genius?

No one will question that it has worked rather magnificently in the above games. In fact, Link from The Legend of Zelda never talks, but he isn't mute. He grunts, screams, and even has "Yes-no" answer box choices. So why would the writers simply make him without a single word of actual dialog?

Well, arguably, in my case, it certainly helps with being in the role of the main character. With a specified dialog to adhere to, it is simple to hop into the books of someone and even pretend the dialog for yourself. This doesn't always work though, it is rather hit-or-miss, but nobody can deny that it has worked like a charm for the Zelda franchise.

I personally enjoy games in which the main character is silent. Because I'd rather have silence (or near-silence) than shoddy, terrible, voice acting, or else horrid character dialog.

Who is your favorite Mute Protagonist?

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