Not Another Review Blog!: March 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

I Apologize

I am sorry I have not been making that many reviews lately. Not only have I been busy with many other tasks, writing, research, etc for numerous other blog posts, I also have not been playing that many games lately.

But rest assured dear audience, I am not leaving you in the dust. I am reading Mogworld, playing Tales of the Abyss, Mercenary Kings, The Last Remnant, A demo for Last Dream, and will soon write a review for the recently completed Evoland and Left 4 Dead 2. So once i am done I will try to have reviews for all of those. It may take me awhile though, so in the mean time, I apologize for the delay.

So much work to do, so little time.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Eternal Sonata Demo

Hiya everyone! Lucy back again with another review! This time, I am reviewing a demo!

Eternal Sonata is a pretty interesting game. I really have no clue what it is about from the Demo though. The demo only really showed the battle system and a couple of the characters. This demo is also only available on the 360, I have tried and failed to find it on the PS3, which is the system I plan to buy it for.

The battle system is pretty awesome. It is like a cross between Ys 's hack and slash battle system and Atelier Iris 2 's turn based battle system. Which makes it pretty fun. You basically run up to monsters and hack at them until you earned enough power to do a special attack, which takes about 8 stars, I believe.

You have encounters when you touch and enemy, and you also get gold and experience when you beat them. Leveling up seems pretty decent, even if your HP meter seems a bit too inflated.

All in all, if anything, I suggest that you try out this demo. It's on the 360. If anything, you may be able to find a let's play, but it feels much different when you have the controller in-hand.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lucy's Latest Addiction: Ys: Origins

Hiya all! Lucy here for another addiction update! Ys: Origins. I bought this game a few days ago, and thus far, I have beaten it. This has been my latest addiction! it's definitely a hack and slash, and I feel like beating myself up for not buying this game or many others in the Ys series sooner, as these games are fun as all fuck.

Now to start off, you can either pick between two characters, Yunica Tovah or Hugo Fact. Both of whom are pretty fun, Hugo is a ranged magic user, and Yunica is a fast axe wielder. To start off I went with Yunica, which is, to date, the only character I beat the game with. I won't ruin any of the story-plot, but it is all pretty personal to the main character. But the three storlines are not interchangeable, it is as if all three happened in parallel universes. Which makes sense, but if Yunicas story is true, neither Hugos or Toals storyline is, and the same with the other two. Makes the game interesting enough.

The game is a hack-and-slash, meaning that you have one button for attack, another for skills, one for jumping, and the last for Boost. it's all fairly typical of hack and slash games like Devil-may-cry and Zenonia. You attack demons, and kill them for experience and SP, which you can trade in for equipment boosts and the like. You also find Cleria Ore to strengthen your weapons, and find new equipment as you go.

The leveling system is odd, as it is REALLY hard to get past level 50 in the game. The higher your level is, the lower the amount of experience you receive from the same monsters, which makes leveling really difficult as time goes on, even with the games built in 2x experience boost during battle. Also, the power system is also really jumpy. If you cannot beat a boss at level 50, chances are, you can cream them at level 51. The power boost between levels 50 and 51, or 28 and 29, etc, are so huge that it'd shock you. Some monsters I could only do 1 damage to. I got a Cleria power-up for my weapon, I was able to do 27-40 damage, and that is only a 5 point strength boost.

I think I beat the last boss at level 51, I can no longer check that because the moron who is me accidentally saved over it when I unlocked Toal as a playable character, but as evidence that i did in fact beat the game:

Toal, bitches!
But I totally suggest to anybody to check out this game. I have barely been able to put it down, like, literally. Thus far I have clocked in at 18 hours of gameplay, and going. A couple of those hours has been me playing as Hugo and Toal.

You can buy this game off of Steam for about 20$, and it's a pretty good price for the fun you'll receive. I definitely recommend this game


I totally forgot, there is one more piece of evidence that I beat the game:

Achievements :-3

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Lucy's Latest Addiction: Rogue Legacy

It took almost half my health to get this screenshot, you better be fucking grateful

OH. MY. GOD! Rogue Legacy is so much like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night in so many ways that it just isn't  funny. You start off choosing your character. Each character has some array of disorder about them. Be it gigantism, dwarfism, the inability to cast spells properly, knocking enemies back further, or being knocked back further yourself, etc, etc, etc.

On top of that, you have several different classes, from paladin, to knave, to mage, etc. Each class has different strengths and weaknesses. Mages have less HP and higher Mana, Shinobi's are powerful and fast, and Spelunki's are not all too powerful, but allow you to get 3 more gold per gold coin and allows you to see where every chest and mystery is on the map before you reach the room.

Haters gonna hate
 Now, you can offset these weaknesses with a high enough power boost from the Manor, which is a place where you can unlock new classes, raise attack power, defense, Mana, HP, critical chance, etc. And if that wasn't enough, you can also find blueprints in the castle to upgrade your armor and weapons, and not just blueprints, but runes as well to heighten the upgrades and give specified abilities. Weapons and armor raises your magic, attack, and armor, etc, and may also come with secondary abilities, like increased gold gain. You can also attach runes as well, which can give you abilities such as double jump (SOTN), side dash (SOTN), vampirism (heals a small amount per enemy), and increased gold gain. These can even be stacked. You can have multiple jumps, or higher vamprism.

You start off in the first room, which has some candles and a chair which you can destroy and find gold and food under. This game has no save points, and trust me, you WILL die. A LOT. Dying is not only inevitable, but necessary for progress. You only level up and are able to spend your money when you die. Once you go into the castle, there is no turning back. In fact, dying 20 times gets you an achievement in Steam. This game also has no healing areas. If you don't have vamprism, your only hope is you smash a pot that may possibly have chicken in it.

Money is a commodity, each time you enter the castle, the Charon will take away all of your money. Although later on you can lower this to 50% of your money, you almost always start off broke. My advice, break EVERYTHING. And kill EVERYTHING.

Might be a little addicted to Rogue Legacy . Just a little
Each room as enemies and objects to destroy. From mages that shoot fire and ice at you, to giant suits of armor, and zombies, and skeletons that shoot arrows or throw bones at you (as I said, a lot like SOTN) Each room is a mystery, and can hold treasures and monsters, and the castle is ALWAYS altering every time you die. So each new life is basically a whole new castle. A dazzling place you never knew.

The objective is to defeat 4 main bosses and open the final door. I only got to beat 2 of the bosses thus far. There are also minibosses you can beat for extra treasures. once you beat a boss, you never have to beat it again, although you can unlock a much harder version of that boss later on.


Just hours after this post:

Oh yeah

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Lucy here, back again for another gaming review. This time we got a very cheap game (like, 2 dollars on Steam) for all to enjoy.

This game kinda reminds me of Ys, but I have heard it is also like a game called Crystalis that I never played.

The graphics kinda... well. They could use some work. Even according to Ys these graphics are bad. The cutscenes by comparison are 50 times worse. I have seen better artistry from children on DA. The dialog and story? The suck turd. But that aside, the gameplay is pretty fun. You run around pressing X to attack enemies, Square for magic spells, Start for the Menu, and Triangle for item usage.

The dialog is one of those things that makes you want to puke. The obvious "I'm a bad guy, time to burn down a village and kill people at random" idiocy. It would be better if he started off as good and turned evil as the game progressed. Maybe he was forced to kill someone, and then he liked it, and then he burned down a village, or something like that. Some kind of trauma in his life to trigger his evilness. But all I see is the Cliche' evil psychopath who yells at people and kicks drunk guys and then kills said drunk people for puking on his shoes.

This game could have been a lot better when it comes to storyline and dialog. But sadly, it isn't. But for what it's worth (2 dollars) it isn't bad.

PETA Parodies: Pokemon Red, White, and Blue

Hiya all! Lucy here for another Pathetic PETA Power Pwn. I thought I made a review of their last game, Pokemon Black and Blue, but I just can't seem to find it.

Now this game is yet another one of PETA's insane tropes to attack an established game series. And guess who else is being attacked? You guessed it! McDonalds! The fast food chain that is still the highest on the ranks despite various attacks against it, including the terrible excuse for a documentary, Supersize Me.

That aside, this game is very little in difference to it's last one. But PETA certainly let their bias show. The McDonalds customer looks like a fat brainless moron, and Ronald McDonald looks like a drunk Joker on crack and speed. Meanwhile, the PETA protesters are cute and adorable, down with the evil corporations! Or else PETA will toss red paint on you again!

This game is covered in blood from the evil McDonalds killing the poor dehorned and slashed Miltank and bitten and starved Jiggly Puff. The message is the same, we animal owners are just mean pathetic slave-holders who are holding the sentient animals hostage, starving them and yanking them around on our leashes.

I have thus came to the conclusion: PETA isn't batshit insane, they are complete and undeniable poes. It's all just an act. Because even insane asylum patients and Republicans are going "those people are crazy."

But I suggest you play it, the puns are terrible, and the gameplay sucks. But it'll give you a few laughs with your facepalms.