Not Another Review Blog!: Jaden Baker Book Review

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jaden Baker Book Review

* I really don't write many book reviews, but I guess that's basically because the books I read are generally not interesting to most people, they are mainly science books and stuff. but I have decided to read loads more books and write reviews of them, to start it off, I just completed Jaden Baker.

I have to say that I adored this book the same way I have adored Magyk and Harry Potter. It took me into a new world, and since I am a picky reader, not many books do that for me. The beginning was kinda confusing for me, at first because of the analytic speech and jargon provided I believed that the boy was a android meant to take the place of a human child. But quickly found out otherwise. I felt sorry for him because he had a bad past and distrusted people. I really didn't know which way this book would go.

And then all hell broke loose, and the boy is kidnapped and fastened with an electric collar, force fed, and is forced to train his mysterious power. Treated like cattle and even branded with a barcode like bread at the grocery store. But then later on the gates of hell were blast apart once the torture began, whippings, electric collar, beatings, starvation, sleep deprivation, the works! The consistent torture started to wear me out, although it did play an important role in the plot. And this is coming from someone who writes short stories on torture. The details of the torture were extremely vivid, and it was like i was there watching it all go down. Each and every shock of the collar, each and every whipping, I am curious to know if the author is well-studied on this subject or not.

I could connect with the loner, bookwormish, self-taught, astute, main characters Jaden Baker and Elizabeth James. Being self-taught, a loner, and a bookworm myself. This made it harder for me to put down the kindle, and ultimately got me hooked on reading the book. the main hooking moment was the 9 year old child prodigy in analytical thinking. I mean, this kid was not only a bad-ass, but he was as intelligent as Hermione Granger without the air of nerdiness. I also enjoyed the many references to Harry Potter and laughed at the fact that it is the main series Jaden Baker never read.

Although this really didn't annoy me, but I believe I must mention it, the free-version of this book for the kindle (although no longer free) contained many grammatical and spelling errors. I hope she fixed this in her newer versions. I found the advanced language very fascinating, and learned several new words whilst reading this novel, such as "camaraderie"! And I also love the reference to the old nursery rhyme "Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree."

Since this book kept my mind on edge for a week with exhilarating twists, turns, and plot points, I will give this book a 9/10. I hope to read more by this author!

I recommend you read this book.

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