Not Another Review Blog!: February 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Melody's Escape

Hiya folks, Lucy here! Sorry for the long wait between this and the last review, I have been very lazy with my review writing lately, and now I've decided to get back to the writings. at least for a few reviews. The life of a writer is never done.

Now this game reminds me a lot of what I believe would happen if Guitar Hero turned into a platformer. You play as this girl, who's name I would assume is Melody, and you are trying to get from one place to another. This game has no storyline or anything, it is basically just a platformer.

But get this, you pick the music that the levels are based off of. Your level, what buttons you push, and for how long you push them, is determined entirely by your music selection. If you wanted to play this game to Lady Gaga, you can do it! Heaven Metal? You can do it! Justin Beiber? Possible... but... ew.

There are three levels. Relaxed allows you to easily beat levels, but not too easily, the rhythm isn't perfect, so you gonna mess up, a lot. When you first start out, I suggest at least 2 songs on Relaxed. Then Normal is a lot harder. You have to push the right button, at the right time, and it is highly altered. Then you have extreme, which is basically a "your fucked" difficulty.

Besides this, there really isn't much else about the game. You can play it with a controller, and because I choose it, the music selection is wonderful!

I definitely recommend this game. Now hop to the buying! You can get it on Steam for 10$.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Patio Chicken Burrito Review

Hey, Lucy here! I generally don't do reviews on food, but I'll make an exception for this case. 

This burrito only cost me about 44 cents at Walmart, so I bought two chicken flavored ones. I guess I shouldn't expect to get my monies worth for 44 cents, and I didn't. 

The flavor isn't really all that bad, nor is the size of the burrito. But it is filled with a form of chicken flavored goop. There is no physical substance inside of this burrito. No chinks of chicken, no slices of veggies, nothing. Just gunk. 

I really would not recommend this product unless you simply don't like food in general. But if you are going to get any burrito at all, this one is definitely not going to be worth your time and money. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Why does Jingit Ignore their Users?

Jingit is a site that I started using 2 months ago where you watch ads for money. But they seem to enjoy fucking over their users more than actually helping them out. I have had basically no ads instead of one single ad that I have seen for the past 2 months. They have not added more ads yet despite promising them will. and they simply reject to acknowledge that their customers are leaving them by the hoards because they are experiencing so many issues.

This site is basically a joke in and of itself. i have been earning about a dollar a week on it. Yeah, that is a dollar more than I have been making without them, but for a site that promises ads, they should give ads. They keep saying that are working hard, but so far they have absolutely zip to show for it.  so in what way should I say anyone should use a site that does not uphold it's own promises for ads, and not only that, copy and pastes the same excuses for why it hasn't gotten any yet? I mean, comeon now, I know many sites that are able to fork over ads to a site like Jingit, I just think Jingit has gotten lazy with their ads.

It would be a great site if it upheld it's promises and care about it users. It would be like a competitor for HitBliss, but it isn't because of this idiotcy.

I do not recommend this site. At least not right now. If it stops ignoring it's users, I might recommend it again, until then, nope!