Not Another Review Blog!: EvilQuest

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Lucy here, back again for another gaming review. This time we got a very cheap game (like, 2 dollars on Steam) for all to enjoy.

This game kinda reminds me of Ys, but I have heard it is also like a game called Crystalis that I never played.

The graphics kinda... well. They could use some work. Even according to Ys these graphics are bad. The cutscenes by comparison are 50 times worse. I have seen better artistry from children on DA. The dialog and story? The suck turd. But that aside, the gameplay is pretty fun. You run around pressing X to attack enemies, Square for magic spells, Start for the Menu, and Triangle for item usage.

The dialog is one of those things that makes you want to puke. The obvious "I'm a bad guy, time to burn down a village and kill people at random" idiocy. It would be better if he started off as good and turned evil as the game progressed. Maybe he was forced to kill someone, and then he liked it, and then he burned down a village, or something like that. Some kind of trauma in his life to trigger his evilness. But all I see is the Cliche' evil psychopath who yells at people and kicks drunk guys and then kills said drunk people for puking on his shoes.

This game could have been a lot better when it comes to storyline and dialog. But sadly, it isn't. But for what it's worth (2 dollars) it isn't bad.

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