Not Another Review Blog!: PETA Parodies: Pokemon Red, White, and Blue

Sunday, March 2, 2014

PETA Parodies: Pokemon Red, White, and Blue

Hiya all! Lucy here for another Pathetic PETA Power Pwn. I thought I made a review of their last game, Pokemon Black and Blue, but I just can't seem to find it.

Now this game is yet another one of PETA's insane tropes to attack an established game series. And guess who else is being attacked? You guessed it! McDonalds! The fast food chain that is still the highest on the ranks despite various attacks against it, including the terrible excuse for a documentary, Supersize Me.

That aside, this game is very little in difference to it's last one. But PETA certainly let their bias show. The McDonalds customer looks like a fat brainless moron, and Ronald McDonald looks like a drunk Joker on crack and speed. Meanwhile, the PETA protesters are cute and adorable, down with the evil corporations! Or else PETA will toss red paint on you again!

This game is covered in blood from the evil McDonalds killing the poor dehorned and slashed Miltank and bitten and starved Jiggly Puff. The message is the same, we animal owners are just mean pathetic slave-holders who are holding the sentient animals hostage, starving them and yanking them around on our leashes.

I have thus came to the conclusion: PETA isn't batshit insane, they are complete and undeniable poes. It's all just an act. Because even insane asylum patients and Republicans are going "those people are crazy."

But I suggest you play it, the puns are terrible, and the gameplay sucks. But it'll give you a few laughs with your facepalms.

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