Not Another Review Blog!: Lucy's Latest Addiction: Ys: Origins

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lucy's Latest Addiction: Ys: Origins

Hiya all! Lucy here for another addiction update! Ys: Origins. I bought this game a few days ago, and thus far, I have beaten it. This has been my latest addiction! it's definitely a hack and slash, and I feel like beating myself up for not buying this game or many others in the Ys series sooner, as these games are fun as all fuck.

Now to start off, you can either pick between two characters, Yunica Tovah or Hugo Fact. Both of whom are pretty fun, Hugo is a ranged magic user, and Yunica is a fast axe wielder. To start off I went with Yunica, which is, to date, the only character I beat the game with. I won't ruin any of the story-plot, but it is all pretty personal to the main character. But the three storlines are not interchangeable, it is as if all three happened in parallel universes. Which makes sense, but if Yunicas story is true, neither Hugos or Toals storyline is, and the same with the other two. Makes the game interesting enough.

The game is a hack-and-slash, meaning that you have one button for attack, another for skills, one for jumping, and the last for Boost. it's all fairly typical of hack and slash games like Devil-may-cry and Zenonia. You attack demons, and kill them for experience and SP, which you can trade in for equipment boosts and the like. You also find Cleria Ore to strengthen your weapons, and find new equipment as you go.

The leveling system is odd, as it is REALLY hard to get past level 50 in the game. The higher your level is, the lower the amount of experience you receive from the same monsters, which makes leveling really difficult as time goes on, even with the games built in 2x experience boost during battle. Also, the power system is also really jumpy. If you cannot beat a boss at level 50, chances are, you can cream them at level 51. The power boost between levels 50 and 51, or 28 and 29, etc, are so huge that it'd shock you. Some monsters I could only do 1 damage to. I got a Cleria power-up for my weapon, I was able to do 27-40 damage, and that is only a 5 point strength boost.

I think I beat the last boss at level 51, I can no longer check that because the moron who is me accidentally saved over it when I unlocked Toal as a playable character, but as evidence that i did in fact beat the game:

Toal, bitches!
But I totally suggest to anybody to check out this game. I have barely been able to put it down, like, literally. Thus far I have clocked in at 18 hours of gameplay, and going. A couple of those hours has been me playing as Hugo and Toal.

You can buy this game off of Steam for about 20$, and it's a pretty good price for the fun you'll receive. I definitely recommend this game


I totally forgot, there is one more piece of evidence that I beat the game:

Achievements :-3

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