Not Another Review Blog!: 6 more things you should never say to a gamer

Sunday, December 22, 2013

6 more things you should never say to a gamer

6 more things you should never say to a gamer.

Hello all, it's Inuyuru again. I know it's been a while and I bet you're wondering where I've been.


Anyway let's start this list.

1) "It's not spamming, it's a combo"

Look here, asshole, just because the game says 10 hadokens plus a kick counts as an 11 hit combo, doesn't mean you aren't a cheap, punk bitch who's corner spamming all day long.

2) "Turning your controller doesn't really help you turn in the game"

You're a lying liar, and you're going to hell for lying.

3) "You're a gamer? I bet you don't get laid"

I think Lucy mentioned this before, but this simply isn't true. Sex isn't person specific, everyone has it, and I have it. A LOT. But enough about your mother.

But seriously, the stereotype that all gamers are mouth breathing nerds, is something drummed up by the douchebags and the media and for some reason this is widely accepted, albiet only by assholes. 

4) "You don't like (Insert name of a popular game here), you must have a terrible taste in games"

I get this a lot, seeing as how I hate black ops and anything like it, see CoD. And this is almost always countered by "Oh I guess you don't enjoy anything. That must suck"

I suppose it does, you'll have to tell me about it sometime. 

5) "It took you HOW long? I beat it in one try"


The fuck


6) "But the graphics are fantastic!" 

If the graphics are good, that doesn't account for the game. Psychonauts is butt fuck ugly, but that's one of the greatest games I've ever played. 

CoD Ghosts looks nice, or at least I assume, if you can look past the brown, but it's the same bullshit you keep paying 50 bucks for. Good games and good graphics, rarely go hand in hand.

Inuyuru, ready for your hate. 

1 comment:

  1. Another great list and completely accurate list. Number four on your list basically happened to me the other day. At the usual family Christmas party my annoying younger cousin said something about COD, and since he knew I was a gamer he expected to have actually played the game. Then I told I play single player games that actually have plots he gave the typical response that you are referring to, if you know what I mean. A lot of people act as though Battlefield and CoD are the only games in existence, which annoys me. I think of them like the Transformers movies of video games, in that they are big, loud, and look cool, but have no substance. Wow, that was a longer rant than expected. Anyway, great post!

