Not Another Review Blog!: 6 Things you Should Never Say to a Gamer

Saturday, December 14, 2013

6 Things you Should Never Say to a Gamer

6. "Just go in the next room, fight that enemy! Ooh, there is a boss coming up"

Oh My GOD, shut up! Nothing worse than a backseat gamer. Let me play the fucking game!

I hate it when people tell me everything that happens, had happened, and is going to happen. 

5. "I'm a gamer" "Really? What's your score on Black Ops?"
That thing where you play mainly single-player games like Zelda, Final Fantasy, or Castlevania, and you suddenly feel like an outsider because everyone else in the world correlates gaming with competitive games like League of Legends, Call of Duty, and other competitive, online, multiplayer games.

I'm a gamer, I just play more solitary games, 

4.  Psssh, Girls don't play games!
I used to believe this as a child myself. Saying that girls obviously didn't play games, and the only reason i did was because I had 3 older brothers. But I soon learned that many gamers are in fact female. Probably not the 50% that is portrayed, but many gamers are in fact girls. Like me for instance.

3. "Oops... I broke it..."
You WHAT!? .... *takes deep breath and holds back urge to rip skin off of person who just broke your game/game system/controller*

Those dreaded words when someone breaks a game that you loved so much. You can't do anything about it, but the blame game goes on. 

2.  You're too OLD to be playing videogames.

People who say this are people who consider videogames to be some form of childrens sport, and that adults need to be doing more productive things, like working a 9-5 job, and filling out tax forms.

This goes hand in hand with the "You'll never get laid" saying, in which people believe that gamers do nothing more than sit on their butt all day and don't do anything at all with their lives, which simply isn't true for most cases. It IS possible to make a decent living off of gaming channels and writings. 

1. Oh, you're at the boss? Just pause the game and take out the trash

EVERYONE is who not a devoted gamer will not understand the issue here. You're at a boss, pausing in the middle will throw you off, and make you more likely to lose. Losing is bad. So deminishing you chance of winning by sidetracking yourself is bad. 

Most gamers have an understanding, when I am at a boss, back the fuck up.


  1. I 100% agree with you on all points! Even my little brother is an obsessed COD player and it annoys me that everyone associates gaming with COD. Point 6 is completely accurate. I was in the middle of a ridiculously difficult boss fight and then I had to stop right before I won, and then I die... That always sucks.


    1. So true! I also get really annoyed when someone tells me that I am "too old" to play games. Games are for humans, not for an age group! Thanks for your reply ^^
