Not Another Review Blog!: Terrible and Catchy: The Music Industry's Trump Card

Friday, September 27, 2013

Terrible and Catchy: The Music Industry's Trump Card

There are many songs that suck. They are terrible! They are annoying! They are on my Ipod! Wait, what? O.o

This is one of the oddest phenomena regarding music that I have seen to date. Whether you are talking about My Jeans, Friday, It's Thanksgiving, Hot Problems, or Mass Text, you can't deny that these songs are horrifically bad, but idiotically catchy. I mean, they have to be, if they were not catchy, they would not have gotten views in the millions, each. The people who create these songs gets thousands of dollars from the creation of these videos via ads, because YouTube does not care if you like the video, just that you viewed the advertisement!

The catchiness of the song is what brings you to the video, and the terribleness of the song is what makes you share the video. People post it on Facebook or twitter and write "Omg! This video is like, so horriber!" Your friends watch the video, hate it, find it catchy, and share the video. Then when it gets famous enough as a viral video, people review it, make parodies of it, and/or React to it. These become popular, which bumps the popularity of the original. And in this way, we are wholly responsible for these songs becoming huge, popular, and making the producers tons of cash.

Which makes me want to make a whole bunch of terrible but catchy garbage, just so I can try to earn some cash in my 15 minutes of shame fame. This seems to work, because it has been seen in sooooo many different videos. The music industry might have a trump card here, where they are able to get away with creating idiotically terrible music, and earn a large amount of cash from it, simply because the song is catchy.

What do you think of this trend, Catchy but Terrible?

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