Not Another Review Blog!: Ys Game Review

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ys Game Review

This game is actually rather fascinating. I bought it on Steam, hoping that it'd be a rather fascinating game, and I must admit, I was not disappointed. Yes, it did have some irks, but the fascinating storyline and battle system it came up made up for that in my opinion.

You start out as this guy who was passed found out and was taken care of by some people from the village. You later meet up with this fortune teller, and you promise to collect these books for her, because, you know, you have nothing else to do with your life.

The battle feature of this game is what I loved the most. All you have to do to to damage an enemy is run into them. If you run into them at an angle, you don't hurt yourself in the process! At first the enemies are hard, and no one ever seems to tell you that you should buy armor or weapons, so you have to find that out yourself, or else die because you can only harm 1 enemy without weapons, and you die rather quickly.

Which brings me to the first irk: NO ONE TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO! You literally have to talk to everyone, and explore every nook and crevice to find out what the hell you're supposed to be doing! Sometimes even that can leave you confused. Sometimes, the storyline can also be a little cliche', but if you can get over that, the game isn't that bad.

I liked the storyline, and the exploration wasn't all that horrible, although there is never much to find in this game. Altogether, I give it a 8 out of 10. Not bad. I'd recommend it.

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