Not Another Review Blog!: September 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

Terrible and Catchy: The Music Industry's Trump Card

There are many songs that suck. They are terrible! They are annoying! They are on my Ipod! Wait, what? O.o

This is one of the oddest phenomena regarding music that I have seen to date. Whether you are talking about My Jeans, Friday, It's Thanksgiving, Hot Problems, or Mass Text, you can't deny that these songs are horrifically bad, but idiotically catchy. I mean, they have to be, if they were not catchy, they would not have gotten views in the millions, each. The people who create these songs gets thousands of dollars from the creation of these videos via ads, because YouTube does not care if you like the video, just that you viewed the advertisement!

The catchiness of the song is what brings you to the video, and the terribleness of the song is what makes you share the video. People post it on Facebook or twitter and write "Omg! This video is like, so horriber!" Your friends watch the video, hate it, find it catchy, and share the video. Then when it gets famous enough as a viral video, people review it, make parodies of it, and/or React to it. These become popular, which bumps the popularity of the original. And in this way, we are wholly responsible for these songs becoming huge, popular, and making the producers tons of cash.

Which makes me want to make a whole bunch of terrible but catchy garbage, just so I can try to earn some cash in my 15 minutes of shame fame. This seems to work, because it has been seen in sooooo many different videos. The music industry might have a trump card here, where they are able to get away with creating idiotically terrible music, and earn a large amount of cash from it, simply because the song is catchy.

What do you think of this trend, Catchy but Terrible?

Dust an Elysian Tale, First Thoughts

Dust is pretty awesome game... it has FURRIES! :-D  It is also pretty kick ass, has a good storyline, and an epic battle system.

You start off as a furry... something... that has lost it's memories, but is chosen by a magical sword to change the fate of the world. You're sidekick is another furry... animal... with wings, who was the original guardian of the sword, and follows you to get it back.

The storyline from there on is pretty epic, and includes many side quests and such. It is a very interesting game, full of mystery and excitement, and makes you want to play just to find out WTF happened!

I like the battle system a lot. I am a pretty big fan of games that have a hack and slash battle system. It gets the adrenalin pumping. Healing, and combo's are easy enough as well.

I have not yet found anything that I don't like about this game. I'll write more on it when I beat it

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Zenonia 2, First thoughts

I have been playing this for awhile, and so far I don't think it's a half bad game.... just... well...

In order to know the attributes of your weapon, you have to leave the menu sceen and go back to it, because the screen showing the durability and strength of a single weapon only lasts for about 3 seconds before it vanishes. To find the 3 second attribute screen for the next weapon, highlight the weapon, leave the screen, then return. Gaaah! Too fucking annoying! I can tell this is going to be an issue as time goes on.

Also, when you level up, you have to teach yourself how to apply stats and learn skills. Unlike most other RPG's (Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, Zelda, Atelier Iris, Mana Khemia, Sly Cooper and Kingdom Hearts, to name a few) which tell you how to do so to avoid confusion and benefit gameplay

I like the move and shoot aspect of this game. You just run around, and push the shoot button, and that's basically all you ever have to do. The characters are a little cliche', however. You are either a young hyper boy who hates to be called "kid," a highly action-packed hyper female gunslinging thief (Yuna/Rikku FFX-2, anyone?), an emo serious magician guy, or a half-animal hybrid human who looks tough but on the inside is as cuddly as a teddy bear.

Also, no matter who you pick as your main character, the dialog will remain almost exactly the same. Even if what you say doesn't match the personality of the character. The sprites also move haphazardly, like they are supposed to imitate normal movement, but failed horribly. And the storyline could use a LOT of tweaking. But I can't expect much from a 99 cent game you play on the Android.

I think the slice-and-dice feature is what really sells it for this game. But I'll get back to you on this when, or if, I finish it.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Castle of Darkness

This game is... well...

You tried...

This game revolves around a man who is somewhy trying to find this Castle of Darkness and defeat the queen. The storyline sucks, and the English... the English is no proper.

The hack and slash aspect of the game is fun, and there are many good things about it. If your HP is below 30%, your potions automatically heal you. You can travel back to other levels and train. You can level up your weapons and sell extras.

But the worst part about this game, is that you NEED internet access to play and to save. I never completed this game because I got so tired of replaying portions because the save feature sucks.

So while this game is fun as a hack and slash, and pretty well made in terms of graphics, the best I can give it is a 4 out of 10 because of all the irks. But hey, it's free for the android or tablet, so you should try it out for yourself.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

First Impressions: Atelier Merumu


I have played it all the way up to the first save point and a little bit after, so I have not yet gotten a huge idea of this whole game. But.... the storyline sucks. Well, lets just say that the story line is highly cliche', the kind of thing you'd find in a children's storybook.

A young rebellious adventurous princess who wants to explore the world (No, not Nina) sneaks out of the castle to learn alchemy. The stonefaced castle secretary, and the emo muscular teenage palace guard are annoyed with you because of this. And all of the village NPC's know you by name and are very friendly. Along by your side is your lesbian highly loyal young maid servant who tries to keep you out of trouble.

The battle sequence isn't that bad, judging by the only battle I have been in. And the premise of using alchemy to help the kingdom grow isn't a bad one. But... still... Atelier Iris was much better in regards to having an epic and interesting storyline.

I am not too impressed so far, but I'll come back once I finished the game.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ys Game Review

This game is actually rather fascinating. I bought it on Steam, hoping that it'd be a rather fascinating game, and I must admit, I was not disappointed. Yes, it did have some irks, but the fascinating storyline and battle system it came up made up for that in my opinion.

You start out as this guy who was passed found out and was taken care of by some people from the village. You later meet up with this fortune teller, and you promise to collect these books for her, because, you know, you have nothing else to do with your life.

The battle feature of this game is what I loved the most. All you have to do to to damage an enemy is run into them. If you run into them at an angle, you don't hurt yourself in the process! At first the enemies are hard, and no one ever seems to tell you that you should buy armor or weapons, so you have to find that out yourself, or else die because you can only harm 1 enemy without weapons, and you die rather quickly.

Which brings me to the first irk: NO ONE TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO! You literally have to talk to everyone, and explore every nook and crevice to find out what the hell you're supposed to be doing! Sometimes even that can leave you confused. Sometimes, the storyline can also be a little cliche', but if you can get over that, the game isn't that bad.

I liked the storyline, and the exploration wasn't all that horrible, although there is never much to find in this game. Altogether, I give it a 8 out of 10. Not bad. I'd recommend it.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I Came Like a Wrecking Ball

Simply because I think that porn should be posted here, lol. 

Wrecking ball, the song, is pretty good. Wrecking ball, the music video, is pornographic. Is that a bad thing? Apparently, because it has 367,647 dislikes as of September 13th. People don't like the video cause of the sexual theme. I personally don't mind it. It's not over the top, or shows clit, and it certainly isn't like her last music video, We Can't Stop.

What do you think of this video?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wreck It Ralph

This has to be one of the most beautifully made movies I have seen in a long time. Granted I am a little late in watching this.

The story revolves around this arcade, after closing, the games come to life and go into the main circuit where they communicate with one another. The main game is called Fix It Felix, where the bad guy was living peacefully in the woods until a bunch of people moved him to the dump in order to build a penthouse. To seek revenge for his misplacement he goes to wreck the penthouse, but his plans get thwarted by Felix and his magic fixing hammer.

After the game is over, and the arcade closes, he is still treated like a criminal and is shunned by everyone in his game. He is not invited to parties. He is not able to hang out with everyone else. He is never able to feel as if he really belonged, and is treated like crap. He decides that he no longer wants to be the bad guy, and goes out to find a medal to prove that he can be a good guy too, and earn his way into fame and glory.

In the end, he helps out this one girl who is having her game taken over. Of course, almost wrecking everything in the process by mere accident. This movie has some really sad points, and some really happy points. It's a nice twist on the average plots of videogames.

I give it a 9/10. I'd recommend this movie to anyone.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Chocolate Covered.... Gummi Bears?

Ehhh.... I am not sure if they taste bad, or simply mediocre. I bought a box of the store brand version, and they were only a dollar, so I decided, why not?

I taste tested them on a few unsuspecting guinea pigs, and here are their testimonials:
"Eh, I wouldn't buy them on purpose"
"I am not sure if I like them or not, they're interesting"
"They taste like sh*t!" 
I also had two people who simply refused to eat them after hearing what they were. And one person who actually said "I like it!" but I am not entirely sure if he just said that because I gave him candy, or if he truly meant it.

I would give them a 2 out of 10. I won't buy them again, and only did so this time on a whim.

These should be given to kids you don't like on Halloween. But better yet, I suggest you simply not waste your well earned money.