Not Another Review Blog!: 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ao No Exorcist Review

This anime was fascinating, yet it had a certain quality about it that made it less. As if they should have tried harder at some points.

At first they didn't show scenes of previous episodes, but they automatically just added that in later on without warning, like the extra scenes after the credits that are crucial to the storyline that just appear half-way through the anime without an iota of foretelling. A little forewarning would have been pleasent.

Also, the anime went by too quickly. Everything just happened one-after-another without very little explanation. This became more and more obvious towards the end until it became cliche. Yukio (Rin's twin) wanted to learn about his family history, and all of a sudden, WHAM! His grandfather appears and tells him all about it. Also, Rin was defeated horribly in the first battle against the earth king, not too long afterwords was able to defete him, but barely, and then not too long after that was able to creme him easily, with little to no training in-between. And lastly, he seems to be able to have the power to control his flames as soon as he lights two separate candles. It is as if this anime should span on for longer, but didn't have the budget to do so.

Too many unanswered questions:

- why was Yukio's skin turning darker as he got his powers? It did not do so with Rin.
- What is the cause of the hatred between demons and exorcists? Is it simply a form of bias because the demons are known to be "troublemakers?"
- If Satan wanted a perfect vessel outside of Gehenna, and this was his plan all along, why did he try to drag Rin into Gehenna in the second episode?

Other than the glaring issues, this anime had a very good, captivating storyline, which made me think twice before thinking of the demons as bad guys. It also helps that the main character (Rin) is hot as hell (no pun intended). This anime should have been much longer, but did OK with the short amount of time it had. It captivated me, and the animation was good, but due to it's flaws the most I can give it is a 6.5 out of 10.

Book Review: Rascal Raccoon's Raging Revenge

It deeply saddens me that this book is not getting the popularity that it deserves. You'd expect with a plot-line so deep and art so nostalgic that this book would have been given raving reviews and there would be a myriad of fan-art dedicated to it. But alas, from browsing the internet, I cannot find much, if any, fan art at all.  But what about the book makes me say this?

Well, the story-line itself is a work of pure nostalgia, but also with a twist. This storyline focuses on what happens when the antagonist (nicknamed the "meanie") actually defeats the protagonist (the "merrie"). It also dives into why the meanie is angry at the merry, and how the meanie isn't necessarily a bad guy. This is rarely shown (except in passing in particular episodes) of older cartoons, such as Coyote and the Roadrunner, Sylvester and Tweety, as well as Tom and Jerry.

Also, the art is very similar to Looney Toons, which gives it that nostalgic feeling that I loved so much about the book. The book is only 135 pages long, so it is over rather quickly, which depressed me a little because I wanted it to go on for much longer, but to quote the book:
"...every cartoon ends eventually. Children's entertainment is a fickle mistress." Page 99
But this book needs more than a measly 150 likes on their Facebook page before it flickers out in my opinion. Bringing the classics back in such a new and exciting way deserves some recognition. I might just be too early though, as this book was only published in 2011. hopefully it just needs more time to gain recognition.

The only issue I have with this book, is why exactly did Jumpin' (the merrie) die? It is never quite explained in the book. They are still popular, hence the amusement park and the museum on page 40-57, so their popularity didn't die out. The animation company itself said they did not kill jumpin' in page 98. And on page 25 the doctor said that no toonie has ever died before. So why did Jumpin' die and how exactly did he come back to life in the end if the animator was (possibly) arrested on page 126? But I will let logic be because it's a comic.

Altogether this was a very nice read that I would recommend to everyone of all age groups. I give this book a 9.5 out of 10. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


I am eating a packet of their gummi-bears right now. Totally worth the buck I spent on it. They are good and all, but what is the big deal? They are more flavorful? yes. That's about it. nothing very "original" IMO. But side from an increase in flavor, I don't see how this is any different than typical gummi-bears.

Also, these bears have a lot of protein, and 140 calories per serving (for those who give a shit), so a few servings can be a meal!

I just don't see why these bears have a commercial, they are not all that great... I ate them, but I won't go out of my way to spend another dollar on them.

I would give them a 6 out of 10. I mean, they are just gummi bears.

Friday, November 2, 2012

MM! anime review

I liked the show, MM! is an anime about masochism, sadism, androphobia (which I never knew existed) and  many other strange things. It is mainly about a masochist who wants to be cured of his masochism, and people who are trying to help by beating the dog snot out of him.

The anime didn't get much of a chance to get repetitive because of it's shortness, but a few things did pop out at me:

1. He decided to get cured of his masochism so he could talk to this girl he had a crush on. Lo and behold the girl he was infatuated with was his best friend crossdressing. So him still trying to be cured of his masochism loses the point after the second episode.

2. It ends off on a dumb point. Like it was not finished and the animation budget ran dry. He never gets cured of his masochism, and they say "happy birthday" to the sadist girl and that's the end of it. What the hell happens next? Does he get cured? It leaves much to be desired.

It was interesting, but outside of the animation it kinda sucked. So... 3 out of 10 for me.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Gamers Lose Touch with Reality?

I can see this as true, as the longer you spend in another reality, the more accustomed you get to it, and less accustomed you get to actual reality.

When I was little, I would play games fervently, even religiously, RPG games mostly.I would notice that the outside world (AKA, the trees outside my house) looked more unrealistic than Zelda, OoT did. Inquisitive as I was as a child, I guessed that the pixelated appearance and high graphics of the trees outside meant that I play too much videogames and accurately deduced that the video-game world was becoming my "true" reality.

Although, I personally don't see anything wrong with this unless it prevents you from living the life you want to have. As a gamer child, there was nothing else I desired to do. Now I write all the time about things.

But what do you think about this? Has this ever happened to you?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Getting the Chatter Flower in chapter 3, Atelier Iris 3

Took me a good hour to find one, but finally, I've done it!

The garden in valtessa is a horrible place to get it because all it ever gave me was Huffin Blossum's. To make matters worse, the fairys blocked off their side of the warzone, so I could not check the garden in the Prosphora Battlegrounds. But I finally found one while cutting grass near the beastmens village side of the warzone. Where all the houses are.

I am done with the hair pulling out for now, now that I finally found out where that stupid talking flower was!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Top Ten Recommended RPG's

Now these are not going to be the newest games on the market, most, if not all, of the games I will list are old. But in my experience there are fun to play, and are good for the person who loves adventure. I love RPG's the best and most of the best ones I have played yet, I played during my childhood.

1. The Sly Cooper Series

This one goes before the game I have played and beat hundreds of times simply because there is a thieving raccoon as the main character. Sly is not only cunning and fun to play as, but he is also funny. Pick pocking people never gets old as you save up enough money to purchase upgrades and such.

There are minor differences between the three in the series that I have played, but I personally love the second one the best, although the first one is a close second.

2. Zelda: A Link to the Past

Yep, you read the message above correctly, I have played and beat this game hundreds of times, found all of the heart pieces, and every possible secret I can discover about this game, including glitches. This is a game I have been addicted with ever since I was really little, and it is the first game I remember ever playing. It never gets boring with me as I travel around in 8-bit saving Hyrule.

From the SNES to the GBA there are a lot of minor tweaks to the gameplay and how certain dungeons look, but unless you are looking for them, you probably won't notice too much different. Also, the map is not a huge jumbled mess of colors and crap, so you actually find where your going! :-D

3. Final Fantasy X

Probably the most religious of games I have played. Although I did love running around, fighting monsters and allowing the troubled souls that turned into the monsters to travel back to heaven. I also loved being a summoner and murdering monsters with my summons. The only bad part of this game I have discovered, is that I have yet, to date, filled up the overly complicated, massive Sphere Grid.

But my favorite parts of the game are the temples, saving simple yet complicated puzzles in order to pass through the game is fun, IMO. And... the elemental flans. Something about those monsters interest the heck outta me. But Final Fantasy X is one of my inspirations to write fantasy stories. So even the annoying sphere grid can get away with it's annoyingness this one time. -__-

4.  Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Most people who have played Zelda OoT can say that it is a very fun game (if you ignore that water temple).    traveling around, saving Hyrule, the princess, the races, and the seven sages from the powers of the evil Ganon. The main story-line travels back and forth through time 7 years, changing Link from kid form, to adolescent form. There are a ton of side quests in this game that have always distracted me from rescuing Zelda.

I only collected all 100 of the gold skultulas once. And by the time you collect them, the prize you will get is basically pointless. And I have never needed to use all 4 bottles for anything, but the Gerudo Training Grounds are my favorite part of the game. What I really want to know, is how he gets that sword out of his sheath.

5. Breath of Fire 3

This is another of the games that I have played numerous times and have had since childhood. This game, like Zelda OoT, starts you off as a child with no parents, and later on your transform into an adult. As a member of the brood (dragon people) you have to save the world by killing the equivalent of God. This game also has a ton of diversity in the lines of furries, magic princesses, talking onions, dragon people, and smart cannon wielding scholars.

There really isn't apart of this game that I don't like. But one sidequest I enjoyed a lot is the Fairy Village. You help a village of fairies build their town and survive. And it is very helpful in the future, when you need items.

6. Atelier Iris Series

Nothing makes my mind delve deep into the world of fantasy and magic than alchemy. Creating new items, making a pact with mana, and extracting elements, what could there be not to like about a game like this? The exquisitely made world (different in each game) has plenty to offer up as you travel to many places covered in elemental mana powers, and create friends with beast people, mages, and artificial life forms.

You can even create items while in battle, something I think is awesome! If you run out of healing potions, you can make one on the spot! Sounds kinda like cheating TBO...

7. Final Fantasy XII

You start off as an orphan, go figure, and wind up saving the land from destruction from an evil king who is set to backstab everybody. Going from place to place, from ancient runes to a hidden forest village. Traveling from magical crystal, to airship, and making the old turn-based battle sequence look slower than dirt.

My favorite part of this game is running around the plains, collecting sun energy and storing them in rocks. Nothing makes buying a new stronger weapon feel better than hard work selling energy crystals.

Speaking of which, like FFX, there is also a form of sphere grid you have to fill, something I have yet to do on this game either.

8. Zelda: Twlight Princess

Instead of changing from kid to adult, you now change from adult to wolf! This game seems very similar to A Link To The Past in where you stop the evil Zant from turning the light world into the twilight world, changing back and forth between the two, and even changing your shape while in the world of twilight. But, in the end, there is a girl who falls in love with link, but has to leave forever.

Playing this game on the Wii, and swinging the control with the fear of breaking something valuable, like a vase, or an eye, is what made this game fun! The ending is rather depressing though.

9. Metal Gear Solid 1

What was that noise?
My favorite Metal Gear has to be this one. I don't know why, but this one seems to have a better gameplay, and storyline than the other ones I have played, in my opinion. This multi-disc game made snooping around and killing people extremely fun to do! You know, back when you can have a CD get scratched and STILL be able to play it on the gaming system?

I have learned never to hide in air vents when being chased by security, unless a grenade to the face is what you enjoy.

10. Pokemon...

You played one, you've played them all. But there is still an addictive aspect about catching pokemon, and training them to beat gym leaders. But although the storyline slightly changes, that is basically all that ever does. But I still don't know why I keep playing them! Their fun! But why?!?!?

I can never collect all the pokemon in the game, and I refuse to use a game shark.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My Thoughts: Super Mario 64 DS

When I first saw this game, and bought it for 30$, my thoughts were along the lines of "Oooh! Super Mario 64! I can relive my childhood days!" I have not played this game for 5 minutes before I felt my childhood getting raped. This game, like it's predecessor, is easy to play and you can collect a lot of stars before hitting a giant brick wall. But the difference is, this game has become over simplified. You no longer have many of the massively mindbogglingly complicated levels which force you to think outside the box, strategize, or do anything of the sort anymore. Smaller platforms are larger, and complicated scenarios are now waaay too easy in order for the ignorant kids of todays age to be saved from the act of thinking. Albeit many hard levels do exist, they are not as hard, or fun, as in the original game.

Fuck wall jumping, that was soooo 1990's.
They took all the challenge out of this game, the challenge that made it fun. They also took out the numerous aspects of this game that made it not for stupid children that refuse to think or solve simple tricks like the now missing wall jump. Mario now eats a flower and becomes an obese helium-filled mess so you float to high places.

Even in the character's they screwed it up. In the original game you were Mario, going to the castle in order to eat cake, simply to find the princess kidnapped, and you had to defeat Bowser to rescue her. How you start off as Yoshi... yeah, Yoshi... And it is Yoshi's job to save everyone. Really, Nintendo? After you saved them, you can play as Mario, Yoshi, Wario, and Luigi. All of them are basically the same character, and in many places you cannot even get a star unless you play as one specific character.

Then to screw it up more each character has their own different useless trait or power when they hit a ? box. Luigi walks on water for a few seconds, for instance. Also, instead of working for a specific trait, like metal Mario, you only have to press one button, all the boxes are red, no more green or blue boxes, and no more metal Mario. It is now metal Wario, and Transparent Luigi. I guess that fits, because no one noticed Luigi anyhow.

Also, caps are laid out around each stage, so in case you are Yoshi, and need to be Mario, just put on a red cap, and now you look just like Mario, just with Yoshi's voice (seems legit). in many levels you have to "have a mustache" (which is the idiocy this game now revolves around) and bosses now talk about those "mustached guys" they imprisoned. it's just dumb IMO.

Aaaaaaaand mini-games. You know when they add mini-games like this to the game, they made it for very small children. If I wanted to play mini-games in Mario, I would have stuck with Mario Party. Also, instead of one rabbit you have to catch for a star, you have to catch numerous rabbits, and all they give you is a stupid key to a mini-game. it's not even one or two you can avoid, they are hopping all over the danged place!

Also, just to tie it all up, isn't Wario a bad guy? He was a bad guy in all the previous games, but now he is being heroic? Really? I mean, WTF!? And why not add Waluigi instead of Yoshi as a playable character? He is also not in the Super Smash Brothers series as a playable character while Wario is in SSBB. I guess it sucks to be walweegie.

I spent 30$ on this game, and have 50 stars and all three characters unlocked in about 6 hours of gameplay, and I wasn't even trying. I still have yet to die of quicksand in the desert level either. And don't even get me started on the controls... I consider this a waste of money, I wanted the original Super Mario 64, not this crappy game. I give this game a 2 out of 10. They better not do a remake of Ocarina of Time next, I'd be pissed.

My Thoughts: Atelier Iris 2

I am replaying this game after beating it one time beforehand. I love the gameplay and have become deeply infatuated with the storyline. It is one of those "boy and girl are in love, but boy has to leave and save the world while leaving the girl behind, but they stay connected through the power of magic" kind of storylines. Which is actually part of a short story I wrote a little about, but failed to finish.

I initially got hooked on this game through the premise of alchemy, which is something I am interested in as part of my imaginative fantasy world, right next to magic and fighting monsters, which both occur in this game. I also enjoyed it due to the nature of the game. I have always been a very picky gamer, but the games I did enjoy, I loved immensely.

I seem to enjoy games with little to no timeline, and this game is one of those kinds of games. There does not seem to be a very strong connection between the three that I have played, despite similar characters. it's similar to Zelda, or Final Fantasy, similar characters, but little to no actual connection between the games. So you can play the second first and not be confused. Although I personally believe that the second one is a prequel to the first one, namely because in the first one iris is dead, and in the second one she is a little girl. But I am not too sure about that.

I also love how you can switch between the girl and the guy character as the game progresses, and both have a completely different storyline and mission. There really isn't much that I don't like about this game, if anything at all. So I guess that's all I have to say about it for now.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jaden Baker Book Review

* I really don't write many book reviews, but I guess that's basically because the books I read are generally not interesting to most people, they are mainly science books and stuff. but I have decided to read loads more books and write reviews of them, to start it off, I just completed Jaden Baker.

I have to say that I adored this book the same way I have adored Magyk and Harry Potter. It took me into a new world, and since I am a picky reader, not many books do that for me. The beginning was kinda confusing for me, at first because of the analytic speech and jargon provided I believed that the boy was a android meant to take the place of a human child. But quickly found out otherwise. I felt sorry for him because he had a bad past and distrusted people. I really didn't know which way this book would go.

And then all hell broke loose, and the boy is kidnapped and fastened with an electric collar, force fed, and is forced to train his mysterious power. Treated like cattle and even branded with a barcode like bread at the grocery store. But then later on the gates of hell were blast apart once the torture began, whippings, electric collar, beatings, starvation, sleep deprivation, the works! The consistent torture started to wear me out, although it did play an important role in the plot. And this is coming from someone who writes short stories on torture. The details of the torture were extremely vivid, and it was like i was there watching it all go down. Each and every shock of the collar, each and every whipping, I am curious to know if the author is well-studied on this subject or not.

I could connect with the loner, bookwormish, self-taught, astute, main characters Jaden Baker and Elizabeth James. Being self-taught, a loner, and a bookworm myself. This made it harder for me to put down the kindle, and ultimately got me hooked on reading the book. the main hooking moment was the 9 year old child prodigy in analytical thinking. I mean, this kid was not only a bad-ass, but he was as intelligent as Hermione Granger without the air of nerdiness. I also enjoyed the many references to Harry Potter and laughed at the fact that it is the main series Jaden Baker never read.

Although this really didn't annoy me, but I believe I must mention it, the free-version of this book for the kindle (although no longer free) contained many grammatical and spelling errors. I hope she fixed this in her newer versions. I found the advanced language very fascinating, and learned several new words whilst reading this novel, such as "camaraderie"! And I also love the reference to the old nursery rhyme "Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree."

Since this book kept my mind on edge for a week with exhilarating twists, turns, and plot points, I will give this book a 9/10. I hope to read more by this author!

I recommend you read this book.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Astrobiology by Monica Grady: Book Review

I have never been a fan of a book that has more pictures than words, that being said I believe this book is more directed to those people who are adamant that life is out there, not skeptics like me.

At first I was shocked when I heard about a book on the subject of Astrobiology (there are quite a few), saying that life, or even the hint of it's possibility, has yet to be discovered. Any leads we have ever had on it's possibility turned out to be either:

1. Wrong/mistaken
2. Hype
3. Unprovable without a rocket that can travel faster than the speed of light to take us places within our life-time.

But I bought this book, thought it might hold something I cannot learn in 5th grade. I was wrong. This book really only goes though the possibility of life out there, which is all it really can do saying that there is no actual evidence that life really does exist off earth as of yet. The book is short, half of the book or more is composed of images, and just about all of the information you can find in the "Is there life out there?" section of just about any large astronomy book. And much of the information is just a vomit of basic knowledge on the subject.

I really don't think a explanation of how the universe was made, how the moon was made, how comet Shoemaker-levy 9 his Jupiter in 1994, space mission names, all the missions to Mars or the description of all the planets in our solar system, has anything to do with the possibility of life on other celestial bodies. At least in the epilogue it agree's that there are no guarantee's when it comes to life existing out there.

This book just seems to have been written too early for it to actually be of any help at all. Like writing a book about the cell-phone 100 years ago. This book may be of some help later on, but right now it's all just hypothetical.

I give this book a 3/10, it could be much better, and it was written at a bad time.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pokemon The Movie 8: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew Movie Review!

Nothing makes you feel better than watching a movie for the second time! This time with a better appreciation of the story, plot, and characters!

I <3 Lucario! He is just the coolest pokemon I have ever seen, so this movie has earned itself a high rating just for that! His batman voice was slightly annoying, but I guess beggers can't be choosers.

The storyline about the past and of a pokemon that lived a thousand years beforehand trying to figure out why his “master” trapped him in a staff is an eye catcher. I will not tell you the whole thing, but pikachu is taken to this “tree” by mew and ash goes to find his friend. Ash and Lucario's master, sir Aaron has the same aura. Go figure. It seems like anything that can go wrong during ash's lifetime does go wrong, and ash is always the one to save it. What a rotten time to be alive, and the chosen one.

The ending kinda threw me off, if it takes an aura master years to learn how to use aura, than it puzzles me how ash was able to use it on a whim like that and never knew of it before, nor ever uses it later. But the ending was also really adorable at the same time (crying Lucario, awwwww!).

I also didn't know mew had the ability to transform into other Pokemon O.o But hey, screw the rules! They have money!

The storyline and everything else made the movie deserve a 7 out of 10, but since it has Lucario in it, I give it a 8 out of 10! It didn't make me stand on edge, nor did it have any truly shocking points, but that's Pokemon for you.

I recommend it! Watch it... NOW!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Avenger's Movie Review

I just watched this movie today, and I have to admit that it was a pretty good movie. In the theater some of the scenes flashed a little too much and the sound was booming in many scenes, but I guess that's just the cinema for you.

The plot was great, I don't want to go into too much detail and ruin it for anyone. Basically the earth is under attack and they have to college these super-hero's to save the way, which, of course, they do. The main enemy in this movie is Loki, Thor's brother. The characters were also pretty well established, and I enjoyed many of the costumes the characters wore, showed off the muscle and butt <3  they were really well made.

The humor in here is really well established, witty comments and "ownage" galore. I laughed at many of the scenes. There was also lots of explosions, so if you like funny and explosions, watch this movie.

Iron man seems to be the focal character in this whole movie. Although the other characters all get their 15 minutes of fame, it just seemed that Iron man hogged most of the time. Not that it was bad or anything, just an observation.

But I am infatuated with Thor, and Hawkeye was pretty cute too, I would rate this movie as a 9 out of 10. I liked it. And I assume you would too if you watched the previous movies, so you don't get confused.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Last Unicorn Movie Review (spoilers)

I hate to say it, but I honestly thought I would like this movie much more. But all it really seemed to do was baffle me. This movie has most likely not been seen by many people and I only found out about it via a random chance occurring on YouTube.

The bad guys were ugly as usual, and there was a tripping scene where the human-unicorn almost dies, but nothing says old animated movie like cliche's do.

Lets see... oh right, I liked the movie because it was unique. But there were a lot of plot holes and everything happens so fast without any reason for them. I really did not understand why anything was happening, and there really wasn't any dramatic moments, or romantic moments outside of one song about love, and even then there isn't a single kissing scene. I can actually tell why this video was forgotten.

The voices are also not that great, the prince really can't sing well, and since this is an actual movie and not a YouTube video, I believe it should have been better.

I guess the only real big plus in here is that it has a unicorn in it. And it mentions narwhals in passing! I like magic but the spells in stuff in here really did not catch my interest.

But watch it and see how much you like it. but I will give it a 4/10

(Spoiler alert from here onward, summery of video)

It starts off as a bunch of hunters are searching for food, and found that (upon assumption) that the forest must belong to a unicorn and thus they would not be able to hunt, therefore they leave the forest and go elsewhere. The unicorn becomes confused because the hunters said that she was the last one. She talks to a butterfly that can only quote things it has heard and learns that the unicorns are being held by a red bull. The unicorn runs off to search for this red bull and gets captured by a magic-wielding circus group. One of the magician free's her and a harpie that kills everyone but the magician and the unicorn.  They set off down a road and the magician gets captured by a group of rouges who kidnap him for no reason and takes him to camp. He magic's his way out and meets up with the woman (who appears out of nowhere) at the camp who see's the unicorn and decides (for no reason at all) to go with them on their journey.

During their trip to this castle where the red bull lies they meet up with the red bull, who, although apparently cannot touch the unicorn can scare her into the castle, but before that can happen the wizard saves her by turning her into a human. In this shape they go up to the castle and asks to see the king, which he is able to do easily, and goes up to the kings broken down thrown room and easily gets jobs as the kings helpers.

Yadda yadda blah blah, she falls in love with the prince and almost turns completely human. now they find the unicorns in the sea and they are corned by the red bull, the magician turns the girl back into a unicorn, the prince dies failing to save her, and the unicorn fought back and drove off the red bull, something the other hundreds of unicorns could not do... the king falls of a cliff and dies, and his kingdom crumbles down. she revives the prince and goes to live in her forest, the prince goes on his own, and the women and the magician stay together. The end

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Princess Mononoke Review

Best environmental movie I have seen yet! It starts off with this prince who fights off a demon but becomes cursed, the curse makes him exiled from his village so he goes to try to break the curse and find out why the demon appeared. He makes it to this iron smith town, and later finds out that this town has been driving the gods mad with it's destruction of the forests and mining of the mountains.

Learning this he tries to restore peace between men and nature, and teams up with a wolf-girl who hates all humans. All the animals are becoming enraged and strive to kill off the human race to return their forests to normal. The forest god of life and death plays a big role because later on he is beheaded, and in a blind rage to find it's head it destroys the forests, but rebuilds it once it's head returns.

There was not much I did not like about this movie. I watched it once beforehand, but was too young to really critique it then. one of my favorite parts is when he took his shirt off at the furnace to help work it. He is HOT! Another part about this movie I liked is the fact that women are in power and are treated with more respect, but that's also what I didn't like about it. They have too much power, and now treat the men like they are weak pitiful good-for-nothings. The main leader says that men "cannot be trusted," which brings a whole new level of sexism in this movie.

But I like the theme I got from this movie. That we should not destroy nature or one day it will come back to haunt us. The love story between the more neutral main character, and the extremist wolf girl I liked as well.

I would give this movie a 8.5 out of 10, I recommend it for all people. But be warned, there is a decaying boar carcass in here and the demons are covered and weird worm-like things.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Ponyo: Movie Review

Very nice kids show. But the whole plot line and climax confused me. Where do I even start?

Ponyo is the name of this weird fish that runs away from home for no apparent reason, and for no good reason falls in love with a human child who keeps her in a bucket of fresh-water. Ponyo is apparently narcoleptic, as she is very energetic, and then automatically falls asleep for no apparent reason. For some reason she really enjoys the human world, and like Ariel from the Little Mermaid, is obsessed with becoming a human.

But for some reason that never is explained, her wanting to be a human has upset the balance of nature, and it is up to Sosuke to love her as she is (a fish) to turn Ponyo into a full-fledged human. A lovely connection with Beauty and the Beast and Pinocchio at the same time.

Some reason you can create bubbles of water in the water. But hey, this movie has magic, so screw physics!

It was cute, but certainly not for an older audience. I honestly think this movie could have made a lot more sense, saying that the person who made this movie also made Kiki's Delivery Service and Howl's Moving Castle. There did not seem to really be much of a meaning for what was going on, and all this seems to take place in a full 48 hour time frame. Love develops fast.

I would actually give this movie a 3/10, it rarely kept me on edge and nothing really shocking happened. But recommend you watch it simply so you can form your own opinion of it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Howls Moving Castle Review


Just like in Kiki's Delivery Service, I was able to fit in quite nicely when the main character. A dress-wearing, depressive, young female who wants more out of life but can't get it. Falls in love with a (pretty hot) guy but does not think she is pretty enough to be able to have anyone like that attracted to her. Sounds like me so far... I would love for a storybook ending like this.

I really liked it, the humor, the fire, the story line, the magic, everything! The only things that puzzles me is at the end when she still has grey hair, I don't remember her spell being broken, even though in many cases she turns from old to young and young to old. But I thought that was mainly for clarity. I also don't understand the premise of the war, they don't seem to mention what exactly the war is for, except the fact that it is happening. All the bad guys are ugly, vile creatures, while all the good guys are very good looking, cliche, but not shocking.

I love romantic movies, and this one had me gasping, and sighing all the way through. I watched this once when I was young, but back then I was not all that interested in the romantic stuff. But if you are not a romantic person, than watch it for the explosions! As entire towns are being blown up, who knows how many dead, by gigantic warships equipped with missiles and flying. creepy, wizard, monster things. So you have the best of both worlds!

I would give this movie a 9 out of 10!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Never Been Kissed Movie Review

I just watched this movie today, and I loved it! I can really get into the shoes of the main character, socially inept 25 year old Josie Geller, newspaper editor for the Chicago Times. I myself am a socially inept, weird, bookworm, the only real noticeable difference is that she wanted to live a normal life, to be a popular kid at school, to fit in with everyone else, and I do not have such desires for popularity. I found it sad that the school bullies were that mean to her, calling her names and attacking her in school, and even more so when she goes back to her school  as a under-cover reporter, pretending to be a high school senior to get a scoop for her newspaper or she will get fired.

I am glad that I have never had to go through such copious amounts of school bullying when I went through high school. I guess it was mainly because I never cared enough. I like how she knows seemingly useless information and portrays that in real life, sounds an awful lot like me. I cal also connect with her on the basis that I too, am an aspiring writer, partial journalist.

Of course, there is a lot of cliche in this movie, you always get the man at the end, and schools always have those cliques. In fact, I cannot even point out the popular kids in the lunch room at my school if I was paid to do so, neither the cool kids, the band geeks, the football team, the cheerleaders, the geeks, etc. Everyone looks the same eating to me. Lets not forget that in order for her to succeed in life she has to start being more fashionable. Michelangelo never bathed, changed his clothing, or did anything else of the like and he is famous today!

I really liked this movie though, the stuck-up popular kids, the nerds, the nobodies, and always that one guy, the most popular guy in school (who never existed in my high school), who seems to have eyes only for you (of course, the one in the movie really was not that hot), and the one guy that isn't as hot, but is the better match for you. It has a lot of different aspects in it. I personally recommend this movie to whoever wants to watch it, It was made in 1999, so I guess you should be able to download it online. I give it a 10/10, I am a sucker for love stories and dramas.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Avatar: Legend of Korra review

For the first two episodes I like it so far. The story of peace and how it is being disrupted and how discrimination plays a part in it. A hot-headed teen and a town of poor people and gangs.

I will not spoil it though. You it watch it on, I recommend it. Of course, I love magical mind elemental bending abilities. Which makes me sad of how boring the world seems after watching this.

watch it!