Not Another Review Blog!: Triond Review

Monday, November 11, 2013

Triond Review

I actually owned a Triond account which I wrote on for about a year from 2010-early 2012. At this time, I was really just learning the basics of the internet, something I never really had the chance to do before the age of 18. I mainly used Triond to help me earn a small amount of cash, because otherwise I earned no income until I got my first job at the age of 20. I now own one again, because I can always earn a little more cash, even if it is a dollar a month.

Triond is a good site to go to in order to hone your skills as a writer. Sites like Gather, Bukisa, Triond, etc, which reward you for writing good articles, and are filled with people who will in fact correct your mistakes, will help any developing writer grow.

When writing on triond, you can write about anything. From science to poetry, you can publish it... to an extent. They do review your writings and twiddle out the horrid from the not half good. Writings that are bad that make it through this review process then has to go through a hoard of flag-happy enthusiast who get bonus' for flagging content that is not up to snuff. The end result is a wide array of mediocre to brilliant articles on so many topics, written by people who usually are trying to make a couple bucks.

You cannot post any unoriginal content on Triond. Even if it is from your own blog. But if you post it on Triond first, you can then post it on your other blog if you want to. You own all the rights to your work, just after you post it on Triond.

The sites that they post your work on are.... less than professional. In fact, they load the sites with ads so much that it takes the site longer to load. But as a result, you get about a penny, per 10 views. Most of the traffic you get you have to make yourself, but that is not always the case. Just a day after I uploaded my first article, I got 6 views, without even posting it to twitter or facebook.

This site will not make you rick, or get you quick money. It will get you pennies, sometimes only a few dollars a month, if that. But even a dollar a month is something extra, so if you are a writer, go for it.

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