Not Another Review Blog!: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Review

Friday, October 25, 2013

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Review

This is a pretty interesting game. And has made me believe that Castle of Darkness for the Android is simply a parody of it. I like the fluidity of this game, and the hack and slash aspect.

Most of this game does not tell you how to do anything, like, at all, ever. So that part definitly annoys me. There are no explanation, no reasoning, and no direction. Nothing in this game refers for you to go back to any other part, and you literally have to find it all out for yourself. Or else use a walkthrough, but psssh, walkthroughs are for pussies (I'm a pussy). At least games like Devil May Cry told you what to do in the form of "missions."

I do like how they give you a savepoint with very few enemy encounters near a boss, so you will be ready when you fight them. And I also like how the savepoints refill your HP for you as well.

Is this game fun? Fuck yes, it's fun! Is it annoying, and downright frustrating at times? Fuck yes! When this game is good, it's great! When it sucks, oh god, it sucks! For example, the spoken dialog. You couldn't have gotten anyone who knew how to voice act? No one at all? I'd prefer it if there was no spoken words. The graphics in this game are pretty damn good for what it is. The movement is fluid, and in some scenes, you actually see objects, like a clock tower, change angles as you are walking.

It's annoying that you cannot sell or get rid of any of your items. I mean, what the hell am I supposed to do with 8 cloth tunics? My inventory is getting fuller and more crowded, and there is nothing I can do about it but organize it.

There are some skills that you will only use once in the whole game, like the sonar ability as the bat. Of course, like I mentioned previously, the the game does not tell you you need it or where it could be... sigh... other abilities are useless, unless you want to use it. Like the Power of Mist.

Also, this game seem to make it so that the closer you are to finishing it, the more over-powered you are. I am in the catacombs and the badguys rarely take of more than 1 hp. Water used to hurt you, now you can breath underwater. Spikes used to hurt you a LOT, now there is Spike-breaking armor! Need money? There is a sword that turns monsters into jewels to sell! And let's not even get into the over-power Familiars give you.

At the same time, when you get to the Inverted Tower, the bad guys are now waaaaaay overpowered. Like SHIT overpowered. They used to take only a few HP from you, now it's like, 58 in a single blow! what the shit! Not like the game tells you where to go or anything. Trial and error!

The amount of defeated
The bosses were not all that hard, and the final boss was actually pretty easy. One would think that they'd make it a little harder for you. But oh well.

Altogether, the game is fun, time-consuming, and for the most part, awesome. It'd fare better with more explanation and better voice actors, but for the most part, it's not bad for a hack and slash. There were some parts that frustrated me to no end, but still, I'd recommend this game for anyone to play if they desire.

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