Not Another Review Blog!: Five Problems with Modern Videogames: YouTube Video Review.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Five Problems with Modern Videogames: YouTube Video Review.

In all actuality, a lot of the points he makes are rather valid points. Granted, the way he talks makes it seem like he honestly didn't care much to research much of the information, but this is a YouTube video, what do you expect?

Like I said, what can you expect?
I am going to go through his points and expand more upon them. Because most of them are in fact pretty decent points when it comes to modern games.

1. They're All the Same!

This actually is pretty true in this day and age. Everyone is racing to create games that people will buy, and in the process, you have a ton of games that are only different in minute ways. Mass Effect, Medal of Honor, Halo, Dead Space, Silent Hill, basically any game you can shorten into "You have to survive by mass murdering" (the main difference is who you are killing. Zombies, Infected, Monsters, or Soldiers. In some cases it's soldiers that get infected and turn into a monster that is referred to as a mutated zombie.)

2. They Treat You Like You Are an Idiot!

While it is true that many games will go over the basics and gross detail as if you will never figure out how to turn and walk on your own. I also find it annoying when games give you no instruction at all. Basically making you fend for yourself in a world that can kill you at every turn. Minimaps are good, I never have any issue with them, but it's true that if you want mire of a challenge, these minimaps are pointless.

3. They are Too Focused on Realistic Graphics!

Again, I agree with this point. Games nowadays care more about looking great then having a good storyline.... well, with the exception of:

To The Moon
Cave Story
Ittle Dew
Thomas Was Alone
The Binding of Issac

And yes, I know that all of these are Indie Games, but they are popular, and they are games. Now most Platformer games do in fact care more for graphics. From FPS's, to now how Pokemon is becoming. Why in the world does Pokemon need better graphics? All the games are basically the same, albeit location and Pokemon selection.

4. They're all Boring!

He says this because all the gameplay is the same. Kill random badguys for no reason, then cutscene. Rinse, Lather, Repeat. Even in RPG's, they rarely explain to you why you are killing these random bad guys, or why the bad guys suddenly decided to target you. Or how everyone else in the world are completely oblivious to the existence of these bad guys. Examples are Zelda, Final Fantasy, Breath of Fire, Atelier Iris, Mana Khemia, and Wild Arms.

And with many games, like Ys, and Devil May Cry, never mention or refer to the millions of monsters you are destroying. As if the story and the gameplay are two entirely different things. And in many cases, they are. Certain games are able to play the role of battles into the main storyline setting. In Pokemon, you have to train to become the Pokemon master, which explains why you keep running into random animals out of nowhere, and why they all attack you for apparently no reason. It's the trainer that initiated the battle, tossing the pokeball to release a Pokemon before the battle even gets started.

Other games, like Final Fantasy and Breath of Fire, have a level up system, but that system plays no role in the storyline at all. They are random monsters, from globs of jelly, to ghosts, there for the sole purpose to raise your level so you can progress farther in the storyline easier.

5. Not Challenging

Depends on the game. There are many games that I play that really challenge me. Devil May Cry is the most current one. But there are also Dust, Chantelise, Mark of the Ninja, Sly Cooper, and the all famous Zelda and Mario series. There is plenty out there to get the adrenalin pumping, and has nothing at all to do with FPS's.

Now I will not deny that there are some games out there that are not very challenging. To The Moon, Final Fantasy 7, and Ys 1 are a few of them. Although, to be honest, To The Moon is basically not much of a game, as it was an interactive story. But just because the game did not challenge me did not automatically eliminate how fun it was. I play Atelier Iris, Final Fantasy, and Ys more for the story than the actual gameplay, but that's just me.


What I am trying to say, is that while a lot of these are accurate, he seems to be biased towards shooters, and ignores all other game genre's. This could have been better as a video regarding flaws in many modern games if he used more examples of modern games, and not just sticking to First Person Shooters. Because many games break these boundaries. Granted in this day in age, that is few and far inbetween, but it still happens all the time. Examples?

Remember Me
Dust: An Elysian Tail

And I am not that much of a gamer. And I can list tons of games in here. But like I said before, what can you expect from a YouTube video?

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